What to do when you can't have an awesome dance party with your friends and family.

It's not the Wedding we have planned all our lives.
Let's face the facts, Covid-19 has changed our lives, how we do things, and it has affected how we get married. Because of legal restrictions or fear of spreading the disease as of right now (2/24/2021) in Colorado indoor gatherings are limited to 50% capacity or 50 individuals and are recommended to all be wearing masks and remain 6ft apart. That leaves little room for the giant dance parties we are all used to as a wedding reception.
Small Weddings and the Courthouse Weddings
Because of these aforementioned restrictions, couples that are not postponing their wedding are either having very small intimate ceremonies, or especially in Colorado, are just making an appointment with the County Clerks office and getting a marriage license. (In the state of Colorado once both parties sign the document it is in effect, but must be filed with the Clerk and Recorder to be state legal)
But What about our Party?!?

This is where Zoom comes in. You can put on a livestream wedding reception extravaganza!!! Complete with first dance, cake cutting, a greeting line, and party games, you could even hire a band or solo artist to perform, all interactively, and the whole thing can be easily recorded inside of Zoom so you can save these memories forever! (I recommend hiring this out or at the very least having a third party person who takes care of this to alleviate stress. Be sure to purchase a license or Zoom will cut you off after only 10 minutes 😓!!!) The best thing about having an event on Zoom, is that even family members who would be incapable of traveling to see you, can join in digitally!
It may not be the party you dreamed of only a few short years ago, but you can still make your party or wedding reception a hit! The only limitation is really your imagination and how creative you can be. Most importantly, it's your party, so HAVE FUN WITH IT!!!
More Information
How to Celebrate with Friends & Family After Your Elopement great info and ideas for a wedding reception after a small ceremony (written pre covid) by shell creek photography
Hamilton Original Broadway Cast Zoom Performance just to get an idea of what can be accomplished with zoom for musical entertainment for your event.
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with more ideas for having a wedding reception or party during this interesting time in history.
About The Author

Hello, my name is Johnny Lee and I'm your friendly neighborhood photographer. 😉 I LOVE telling stories!!! I adore traveling, exploring, and learning new things. I hold myself to the highest standards, and try to make people feel comfortable in their own skin. I find the beauty others don't see in themselves, and can help you share it with the world. This is your story, but I can help you tell it.